About This Program

The DYWM YTT is a 200-hour teacher training certification program that will equip you with the skills and techniques that you need to confidently teach public yoga classes in the hatha and vinyasa styles. Each course in the program - while it will inform your personal practice and can certainly be taken just for fun - is designed to support the DYWM YTT curriculum.

By the end of this program, you will be able to:

  • Skillfully and confidently teach a hatha or vinyasa style public yoga class.
  • Practice and teach meditation and pranayama techniques such as ujjayi and nadi shodhana pranayama.
  • Employ your knowledge of anatomy in order to cue asana safely and effectively.
  • Create a safe and effective class sequence that leads to a peak pose.
  • Describe the major eras of yoga history and their impact on modern day yoga.
  • Apply an understanding of the yoga sutras to the yoga practice and daily life.
  • Deepen your own practice and enrich your connection to the yoga tradition.
  • ... and much more!

How To Take This Teacher Training

Program Structure

The DYWM YTT is a robust, 250-hour yoga teacher training certification program composed of four levels. After completing the first three levels, you will earn your 200-Hour Basic Teaching Certification and will be able to teach. During Level 4 (our in-person retreat), you will practice your in-person teaching skills. Upon completion of Level 4, you will earn a 250-Hour DoYogaWithMe Yoga Teaching Certificate.

  • Level 1 (online): 80 hours*
  • Level 2 (online): 80 hours*
  • Level 3 (live, online): 40 hours (after this level, you will earn your 200-hour Yoga Teaching Certification)
  • Optional Elevate Your Teaching In-person retreat: 50-hour, 7-day Elevate Your Teaching Retreat. In this level, we work on in person teaching skills. After this level, you will earn 50 hours for either Continuing Education or to put towards earning your 500-hour certification with us. 

*Level 1 and Level 2 are composed of 55 online course hours plus 25 online class hours to total 80 hours. 

"In-Person" Requirements

  • Most of Level 1 and Level 2 can be taken at your own pace and time. However, we do have a few times where we require in-person attendance at a live Zoom meeting. During each Level, students must attend three (of the five) Zoom cohort meetings and three livestream practices with faculty. 
  • Level 3 is live online.
  • The Optional Elevate Your Teaching is live in person.


You have two options for taking the training: self-paced, or in a cohort. While the self-paced option is great for flexibility, we highly recommend that you participate in a training cohort if you can. 

In a cohort, you begin on a designated start date with a group of your peers, or classmates. You move through the courses together (typically one course per week) with the support of the group. Having a "study buddy" and "study community" will do wonders to help you stay on track!

Benefits of being in a cohort:

  • Monthly zoom chats with peers and faculty
  • Bimonthly livestream classes led by faculty to deepen your practice
  • Weekly goals to help you stay on track
  • A study community for support and feedback
  • Discussions and exercises that help you integrate your knowledge 
  • Study buddies to help you practice your new skills
  • Faster access to faculty for questions
  • The opportunity to grow your yoga community

Ultimately, the program is self-paced, flexible, and performance driven. In other words, as long as you can complete your assessments successfully, you can learn the material as quickly or as slowly as you wish! Cohorts give you the  peer support that is a vital component of successful learning. 

Estimated course work per week: 5-7 hours (includes practice).

Check out all Complete 200-hr Certification Packages

Check out all Level 1 Packages

Check out all Level 1 & 2 Packages

Faculty Interaction

There are many ways to connect with your faculty:

  • Submit a question to the individual course's Q&A Discussion of Reflection Section
  • Email faculty directly
  • Contact faculty through your cohort
  • Set up a free 1:1 Zoom with the Program Director, anytime
  • Receive personalized feedback at the end of each level when you submit your assessment (each session is about 45 minutes to an hour)
  • During the Level 3 online, live program
  • During the Level 4 in-person retreat

Certification Requirements

Here is what you need to do to earn your yoga teaching certification. 

Complete Each Individual Course Successfully

  • Take each course in the level according to the suggested order (see Syllabus).
  • "Successful" means that you pass the final quiz at the end of each course with a score of at least 85%. (Multiple attempts are allowed)
  • Certify that you have completed all the required work (academic honour).

Complete Your Level 1 & 2 Assessments Successfully

When you have taken all the other courses in a level, you will take the course called, "Assessment." The Assessment is an opportunity for us to personally connect with you on your journey, see how your skills are developing, review your work, and provide you with the individualized guidance and support you need on your teaching path. 

The Assessment will include:

  • Online Exam. You must pass with 85% (multiple tries will be okay)
  • Video submission of your practice.
  • Video submission of your teaching that demonstrates your ability to use the skills you have been taught.
  • Submission of Cohort and Class Reflections where you share your insights on your cohort meetings and practices.
  • Instructions to participate in a 45-minute coaching call with a DYWM faculty member to review your work. 

Level 3: Complete Your Retreat Successfully

The livestream retreat will build upon the information that you have learned in Level 1 and Level 2 and will be a time to develop your practical skills. Through group practices, asana labs, and practice teaching sessions, you will grow your confidence in holding space as a teacher. You will receive personalized support from the DoYogaWithMe faculty to work trouble areas and build on your strengths. You will also get to meet fellow members of your DoYogaWithMe community and make new friends from around the world. 

At the end of this Level, you will earn your 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Certification and be certified to teach.

(Optional) Elevate Your Training In Person Retreat

Your retreat is an opportunity to take your teaching to the next level and learn the in-person teaching skills necessary for studio classes. You'll learn practical skills such as demonstrations, teaching presence, and hands on assists. We'll also explore professional skill building in marketing, social media, and business planning in order to support your professional career development. 

At the end of this, you will earn 50-hour certificate that you can either use for Continuing Education credit, or towards a 300-hour advanced certification with Rachel's Advanced Program.

What is the cancellation/refund policy?

After the purchase of any of our certification packages (Complete 200-Hr Program, Level 1 & 2, Level 1 only, Level 2 only or Level 3 only), you can request a full refund within 30 days of your purchase date. There is no refund after the 30 days.

There is no refund on the purchase of individual courses.

Is the training Yoga Alliance registered?

Yes! We are a Registered Yoga School with Yoga Alliance, ID 238368. Our program was first created as an in-person training, then developed for the online space by our program director and instructional designer, Rachel Scott. We do want to advise all prospective students that the landscape for online yoga teacher training is shifting. As of 2019, Yoga Alliance did not register online yoga teacher training. However, the necessity to adapt for COVID has shown us that online yoga teacher training is not only possible, it can even offer advantages over in-person programs. You should be aware that Yoga Alliance may change their requirements for online teacher training in the future, which may impact if we choose to stay a member.

You should be aware that Yoga Alliance currently offers no real guidelines for online yoga teacher training, so the programs out there really run the gamut in quality. Our program director holds a Masters in Online Education, and has developed the DoYogaWithMe Program to meet university standards. 

Most of the courses in the program are led by E-RYT 500 faculty and are eligible for continuing education credit with Yoga Alliance.

How is this program different from other online trainings?

As you have probably already experienced, not all online courses are created equal!

Our program - and the educational expertise of our team - is not typical.

Our YTT has been designed by Rachel, who is a professional instructional designer with a Masters in Online Education as well as additional certifications in designing online education. She has helped develop many 200-hour trainings, has created online courses for universities and graduate schools, and has personally led more than 4,000 hours of in-person YA registered yoga teacher trainings. (Learn more about Rachel here.)

Many "online" yoga teacher trainings are simply online version of teacher trainings (in other words, teacher trainings that are run over Zoom; find our more in this article). However, our teacher training has been painstakingly developed over two years in order to provide a robust, clear, and comprehensive experience where you can work at your own time, at your own pace. This flexibility is invaluable for those who have busy lives. 

We couple this "work at your own pace" experience with numerous in-person touch points with faculty and your peers in order to help you stay on track, give you personalized feedback, and create an inspirational and fun learning experience.

Can I start the program at any time?

While you can start the program at any time, we highly recommend that you participate in a cohort and start the course on a common start date with a group of your peers. Participating in a cohort helps you optimize your successful participation by situating you within a group of peers, providing you better access to feedback and support, and providing you with accessible milestones for moving forward. 

What if I'm having trouble accessing a course?

Always sign into your account, then click on 'My Dashboard' at the top to access your courses. You can search for a course in the search window. The system sometimes blocks you if you attempt to access a course from the Home Page (rather than your personalized Dashboard). 

If you have other difficulties, email us at [email protected].

Can I take the courses in any order?

We have a suggested order for taking the courses in each level. If you are taking the full program (rather than taking a course for continuing education we recommend that you take the courses in the order suggested so that you learn the information in the correct sequence. 

What are my payment options?

We offer many ways to take the training that fit into your time and budget.

  • Complete 200-Hour Certification: Pay for the complete program up-front or monthly (*best value*). 
  • 1 or 2 Levels at a time: Pay for the Levels individually.

Why do you charge in USD?

While we are a Canadian company, our audience is global and it's important important for us to choose a currency that most non-U.S. global citizens will be able to convert to and from their own currency.

Is there a time limit to complete the courses?

No time limit!

Access is yours, forever.

How am I assessed?

At the end of each course, you will take a multiple choice test to demonstrate your knowledge (you must pass with 85%, but can take the quiz again if needed). 

To compete Level 1&2, you will complete an online exam as well as submit a video demonstration of skills to our faculty. You will have a one hour coaching call with faculty as well to workshop and skill build as needed. 

To complete Level 3, you will complete a practicum (livestream demonstration your teaching skills).

Successful completion of Level 1-3 will earn you your 200-hour teacher training certification. 

The Elevate Your Teaching In-Person Retreat is optional, and includes work on in-person skills. When you have completed all four levels, you will earn your 250-hour DoYogaWithMe Advanced Teaching Certification. Or you can apply this 50 hours towards earning your 500 hour Advanced Yoga certification with us.

What if I fail?

While the program is designed to ensure your success, occasionally stumbling blocks may be encountered that require additional support. If you fail to pass your assessments, then we will be happy to work with you until you can achieve the program objectives. We will do our best to provide low-cost options to help you reach your goals. If additional coaching time with faculty is required, it will cost $125 USD/hour. 

Technical Requirements

As part of this course, you will need access to the internet and will be using the following programs.


This is our course learning platform. 

Google Docs

You will use google docs when you take a quiz at the end of each Level. 


As part of your assessments, you will be asked to send us a video of your teaching. Shooting with your phone is fine! Here are some tips.


For your Level Assessment, Monthly Cohort Meetings, and Livestream Practice, you will be asked to use Zoom. As part of your work with your cohort, you may also wish to video conference with your peers to practice teach and review assignments.

Academic Policies

Honesty and Plagiarism

To complete the program with integrity, students are expected to align with the fundamental DoYogaWithMe core values of integrity and honesty (satya). 

At the end of each course, each student will be asked to answer an "Academic Honor" question to vouch that that you have:

  • completed all course work, assignments, outside practices and assessments for that course
  • have done all of your own work (no copying, plagiarizing, or outsourcing)
  • worked to the best of your own ability.

As part of your learning, we also ask that you:

  • remain open to feedback and growth
  • ask questions when you are confused

Attendance Policy

Level 1& 2

Attendance of Level 1 and Level 2 is assessed through Thinkific’s Course Progress indicator. Students must have 100% completion of all courses in the Level in order to have been considered attendant at all sessions. 

Level 3

Attendance is required at all Level 3 sessions. If a student cannot attend all sessions, there are two ways to make up the time:

Participate in a subsequent Level 3 training to make up the sessions missed (free),

Hire faculty for a private session to cover the material missed. TT Private sessions are $125 USD per hour.

Graduation Policy

Full details on graduation requirements may be found in the Program Syllabus.

In some rare cases, a student may need additional support to fulfill the requirements necessary for certification. 

If you need extra assistance, every effort will be made to help you at minimal cost. 

In the event that extra coaching is required for graduation, students may elect to work 1-1 with DoYogaWithMe Faculty at a cost of USD$125/hour. You will develop a personal coaching plan with a DoYogaWithMe faculty member, and work with them until you have successfully fulfilled the program requirements. 

We are committed to supporting each and every student who wishes to earn their certification to graduate. 

Do you have an affiliate program?

Yes, we do! If you think you are a good fit, reach out to us.

200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Scholarship

We give away one 200-Hour YTT scholarship per year, which includes free enrollment in Levels 1, 2 and 3, as well as a 1-year Sustaining Membership at DoYogaWithMe.com. To apply, fill out this application form.

Who are the faculty?

Rachel Scott - Senior Faculty, ERYT 500, LMT, MFA, MS

Teacher trainer, author and ERYT 500 instructor, Rachel has spent thousands of hours leading yoga teacher trainings and mentoring teachers. Known as a "teacher's teacher," Rachel is committed to helping her students uncover and express their voice, passion and potential by building the pragmatic skills that they need to share their own teaching voice with confidence. After building and directing the Teachers College for a national yoga company (YYoga), Rachel left her corporate position to pursue a new mission: collaborate with DoYogaWithMe and create the best online yoga teacher training in the market. She combines her extensive academic training as an educator (M.Sci Instructional Systems and Learning Technologies, BA Columbia University, Phi Beta Kappa) with her cumulative experience as a trainer, teacher, and mentor in order to build a robust and transformational program for students around the world. An anatomy nerd, Rachel is also a licensed massage therapist and has spent hundreds of hours in the cadaver lab. With ten years experience in the arts, conservatory faculty experience and an MFA, she excels at supporting students develop their confidence, presence, authenticity, and teaching voice. Author: "Yoga for Mind, Body & Spirit," "Living Yoga," "Yoga for Staying Young," "The Little Book of Yoga Practices," "Wit & Wisdom from the Yoga Mat," and "Head Over Heels: A Yogis' Guide to Dating." Connect with her on Instagram and YouTube @rachelscottyoga.

Fiji McAlpine - ERYT 500

Fiji McAlpine is an ERYT 500 yoga instructor and is one of the founding yoga teachers featured on DoYogaWithMe.com. Fiji’s personal practice and classes focus on vinyasa flow, infused with power, strength and precision. Having trained extensively in California, Costa Rica, and Canada, her classes are often described as a strong practice that allows students to face challenges with support and guidance, inspiring them to move forward fearlessly and more consciously. Over the past decade, yoga has helped Fiji through personal transformation, she openly shares about finding yoga to be a vital tool of healing as she overcame an eating disorder.

Tracey Noseworthy - ERYT 500

Tracey Noseworthy is passionately dedicated to the teaching of yoga. She leads from her heart, stirring emotion, infusing joy and honouring inner strength. Tracey is a graduate of McMaster University and has been an active health and wellness teacher for over 30 years. She is known for creatively sequenced workshops, teacher trainings, on-line classes and graduate mentorship. Tracey is often complimented on her choreography, voice, cueing, music, improvement of mood, how the body feels afterward, and her ability to make a strong class feel possible to all levels. She thoughtfully weaves a tapestry of physical movements, orchestrated with body-breath connection, to create grace in the postures. The students go on a journey together, regardless of ability or skill level. Tracey has the vision and patience for discovering the teacher inside all of us, for your home practice or teaching.

David Procyshyn - ERYT 250, RMT, BSc

David is the founder and CEO of DoYogaWithMe.com and has been practicing yoga for 30 years and teaching for 20. During that time, he acquired certification in therapeutic massage and thai massage, graduated with is 200-hr YTT from Pyramid Yoga and got a degree from McGill in Environmental Biology. He has practiced and taught vipassana meditation for over a decade and this, along with his knowledge of functional anatomy, relaxation, sleep and anxiety, have influenced his teaching style and allowed him to help others realize their full potential. In his classes, he emphasizes a strong foundation in alignment, anatomy, mindfulness, pranayama and the bandhas. David lives in Victoria, BC, Canada with his wife, two kids, two cats and seven chickens.